Friday, February 6, 2015

Today I went to widen my selections on sign language. I think that this website is very helpful because it has videos and pictures of the sign that you are trying to learn. Also, it has suggestions of what you could think of to remember the sign.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Today I looked up a T.V. Series that is involved with deaf people. The Switched at Birth cast came up, so I went to You-tube to try and see how or what helped them learn ASL better. One of the episodes they shot was completely in sign language, they had said that they took a big risk in doing so but it was worth it. Vanessa Marano (Bay's biological mother) has said that for this episode the directors have brought in more interpreters than usual in order for the deaf actors not to what is said to be done. Also, the way that they learn is from these people that are called in by the directors to only teach them their lines once a week.

 I looked this subject up just to see if i could learn sign language other than using you-tube.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Project Proposal

            20% Time Project Proposal

Name: Grace Bodiford
Project Title: Sign language
Project Completion Date: May
Mentor’s Name: Mrs. Browning
Brief Description: I am learning sign language for the better good of other deaf people and I just think it would be pretty cool to know a different language.

Overview of Project Proposal

1) Project Objective:
My objective of this project is to learn sign language. i think it would be pretty cool to learn/know it because you never really come across a deaf person and when you do nobody  ever knows how to speak to them without looking like a weirdo.
I have gone to New York a couple of times, been to church, and have seen them walk around with an interpreter. I would like to try and learn this language; teach other kids or teachers so that when you do see a deaf person you would be able to carry on a conversation.

2) Project Rationale:
I am doing this project for school and to see how things work out with my plan. I’ve always wanted to learn this language because of the famous Helen Keller, ever since we’ve learned about her in elementary school I’ve just always been fascinated with the way that you can communicate through hands. The Auburn City Schools have never had a deaf student but if they did I would love to help her out. This is pretty valuable to me considering that I’ve always wanted to learn it but never had the time to and being able to have the time I school to do so is pretty cool.

3) Project Steps:
                               I.            Create a 20% Time blog to record my progress
                             II.            Research websites that will help you during this experience
                          III.            Locate the certain websites that you like the most or that give you the best help
                          IV.            Learn the basics of the language
                            V.            Set goals to learn something new every couple of weeks
                          VI.            Practice what you have learned in front of an audience to get used to it
                       VII.            Go to a deaf person and ask them if you could walk around with them to get the hang of things

4) Timeline of Activities:
Throughout this project I will have learned a little of something new everyday. I hope that by mid-project I will be able to have a short little conversation with. Three fourths of the way I plan on having learned all the really hard words such as the medical terms that doctors use. By the time this project is over I will have hoped to have learned an entire new language by the end of this 8th grade school year.

5) Available Human and Material Resources: Material resources-,,,
Human resources- if youtube could be a human than would be the only human resource I’d use. But I still use it it’s like having your own personal trainer at home.

6) Possible Road Blocks: Possible road blocks are that I could miss school on
A important day that we meet with our mentors, my computer could catch a virus and all the information that I have already found will be lost, or I might accidentally forget to save that information saved from the previous day.

7) Research Questions:
Who was the first deaf person? Was it hard for the doctors to figure what was wrong? Who came up/invented sign languages? Will there ever be a cure or solution to being deaf n the future?